воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

frank rosenthal

The Australian Financial Review, 20 October 2008, Michelle Singer, p.64

Australian Property Monitors reported an improvement this weekend
Compared to last of over ten percent in the auction clearance rate in
Sydney, but in contrast Melbourne dropped by six percent. The first
Home buyers stimulus package and the one percentage point rate cut by
The RBA, has industry experts expecting to see a lift in confidence in the market.

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cad specialists

When my friend gave me a flannel sheet set for my birthday
I was a little surprised. I wasn't really caught off guard by the thoughtful
Gift especially considering that I have always wanted a set. I was surprised to
Get the flannel sheet set because my birthday is in July.

The last thing
Anyone expects for a summer birthday is a set of flannel sheets. Even though the
Gift was really great I couldn't conceal my surprise at the unusual summer gift.
My friend insisted that I try the flannel sheet set right away in spite of the
Warm temperatures.

Of course, I couldn't wait to try them but I was a
Little apprehensive since they are usually used in the cold months. I opened the
Package containing the flannel sheet set and this prompted me to immediately put
Them on my bed. I was really impressed with the soft fabric and I didn't care
How hot it was.

Good thing that I have air conditioning. The amazingly
Soft flannel sheet set is warm but it was comfy even in July. That is when the
Air conditioning is running. I kept the room really cool in order to try out the
New flannel sheet set. I'm glad that I did because I had a great, comfy night's

This set makes me want winter to come quickly. I just hope that I
Can muster up the willpower to get out of bed when it's colder outside. It is
Going to be very hard to remove myself from these snuggly sheets this winter. I
Even wanted to stay in bed longer when I first tried them out.

The great
Thing about the flannel sheet set is that my friend chose a product of the
Finest quality. I have owned other flannel sheets in the past and they do have a
Tendency to make little clusters of fabric where it is worn. These pills are
Really annoying and they destroy the texture of the otherwise soft

I don't have to worry about this product pilling at all. This
Flannel sheet set is durable and soft no matter how often I was the set. I know
That these sheets will be with me for the long haul. There is little need for me
To get another flannel sheet set because I immediately wash them after I undress
The bed.

There is nothing more luxurious than warm flannel sheet right
Out of the drier and this is especially true on cold winter nights. I don't use
The flannel sheet set during the summer months but there are times that I am
Tempted to just to remember how nice it is to curl up in them during the winter.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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I have fallen behind on my comic reading so now I am in catch up mode. Iapos;ve read almost half my stack of last monthapos;s titles and I hope to get more done by the end of the day. So far, the standout issue has been Secret Invasion #6. A fantastic issue and the ending was, awesome.

In computer news, itapos;s back to normal. We had trouble with IE when connected to the internet because clicking links would be so slow on it and using another browser solved that problem. Man, Explorer can be a real pain in the butt sometimes. Iapos;m just glad that the ole desktop is in working order once again.
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amoozesh iust ac ir faragir

After my training in da hotel, i realy dnt feel like making my future in da industry which is SO dirty in all aspects. Im not kidding.

I wonder whether investing 3 years of my life for this is ever going to take me somewhere which s going to make my life meaningful in any way.. This is nt something i thought would be like

im contemplating whether to go for it or jus switch altogether after 3rd year..

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

afterlife belief egyptian in

First Impressions -

Wesley calling shotgun? Much love.

Wesley calling Angel a "wanker" and making him wear a pink helmet? Even more love.

Is Cordy wearing Buffyapos;s "jump" outfit from The Gift? I think Charisma Carpenter and SMG must share a wardrobe or something.

I didnapos;t find the Cordy-Gunn dynamic very interesting at all. Mainly cause Gunn still comes off as a walking stereotype. Cordy at the ghetto party was fun, though. Culture clash. Ah.

But now Angel seems to have passed on his sageness to Cordy, and she has a Big Poignant Moment with Gunn where she gets all insightful somehow and says stuff about Gunn that wasnapos;t readily apparent in the episode.

And, hey, naked Darla.

Untouched -

That entertained me. Donapos;t know that I have much to say about it besides that, really. Good episode.

Although, I gotta ask. Does Cordy have tact now or not? One minute, sheapos;s spouting off about helping and being intuitively insightful about Gunnapos;s character and playing the caring nurturer. The next sheapos;s lecturing a frightened, traumatized girl about killing some guys in an alley who were planning on raping her. I understand Cordyapos;s overall point with her lecture, but is that really appropriate to tell someone who was attacked like that? (Oh, you could have just floated them away? What?? Yeah, Iapos;m sure she was thinking rationally after being thrown to the ground and approached by two guys with knives).

Dear Boy -

Eh, Iapos;m a little mixed on this episode. I realize that itapos;s important, obviously. I just didnapos;t find it very interesting.

Put Xena in Angelapos;s place, Ares in Darlaapos;s, and throw in Gabrielle for Buffy and you have basically the same situation (Yes, everything can be compared to Xena for me). Xenaapos;s more interesting, though, just on the basis that itapos;s throwing a woman into a traditionally male role. With Angel, I get another case of a woman bringing out a guyapos;s dark side. Wow, yay. I had to keep watching the clock during the Angel-Darla confrontation in the convent. Didnapos;t hold my interest.

Plus, Julie Benz is a capable actress, but David Boreanaz couldnapos;t match her, unfortunately.

But Angel sang again, which makes me happy. And it was nice to see some flashbacks with Drusilla.

Guise will be Guise -

A light-hearted episode to follow up the last one, I suppose. Wesleyapos;s entertaining. I loved the opening teaser in the elevator. Then Wesley drinks blood. And Angel gets called a eunuch.

Iapos;m amused. Overall, a little blah, though.
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